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Show Notes

Here at Your Coaching Journey we believe that the primary role of a coach is to facilitate the coachee’s own thinking around their situation, allowing them to gain new perspectives and consider their options for moving towards their desired outcome. 

Coaching is about encouraging the coachee to find their own answers, rather than the coach providing them with them. So how do we square the non-directive approach with the concept of the coach introducing coaching tools, models and exercises.

In this episode we explore the idea of being directive about the coaching process without being directive about the way that the coachee is thinking. We have no wish to advise the coachee about their situation, the options they have, the decision they might make, or the options they might take. 

What we are interested in is deepening the pool of meaning for the coachee, widening their perspective and offering models and exercises that generate new thinking. 

In this episode we discuss how we might go about achieving this fine balance of managing the coaching conversation, introducing the coachee to new concepts and remaining non-directive with regard to the content of the coaching conversation.

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