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Show Notes

On our podcast we regularly explore topics that coachees might bring to a coaching conversation. One such topic is ‘burnout’ and as with many topics that arrive at the door of the transformational coach,  this is an important topic that affects many members of the medical community. 

Burnout is a complex phenomenon, and we might well be coaching individuals who are at different stages in the burnout journey. They may be feeling stressed and concerned about ending up burnt out; they may be at the point of almost burning out; or they may have already burnt out. There is a place for coaching in all of these situations and in this podcast we begin to explore the concept of burnout, how it is defined and measured, and how we might go about supporting someone around their relationship with burnout. 

Join us for a fascinating conversation about burnout and how coaching might provide a useful intervention for those who are experiencing the symptoms that arise at the different stages of burnout. 


We are training a number of doctors, who are studying with us for a Transformational Coaching Diploma qualification. Once they have completed their training, the coaches are required to gain experience through engaging in coaching conversations with a small number of individuals. If you want to apply for some free coaching with our trained coaches you can do so here.

We also have a directory of some of the coaches who have already qualified with us.

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We will regularly have an episode of the podcast where we answer listeners' questions about coaching.

If you’re a doctor and have a coaching question, please send it to us using the form below and you may get a mention and your question answered in a future episode.

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