Coaching For Doctors

Life is busy and you’re always looking after others. When do you get time to think about you?

On this page you can find out more about what coaching can help with, and how you access free coaching.

coaching for medics

Coaching can give you the time and space to think about and explore a variety of topics, including:

  • your future career choices
  • work relationships
  • managing boundaries
  • work life balance
  • future direction in or outside medicine
  • imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs
  • managing overwhelm
  • wellbeing
coaching for medics

What Is Coaching?

Coaching might be thought of as a conversation with a purpose. It will provide you with the luxury of a protected time and space to discuss your situation with someone who will listen without judgement and help you to generate new thinking. Coaching is generally non-directive, so the coach, rather than telling you what to do, will facilitate your empowerment to find your own answers and to decide on the steps you wish to take to follow your own unique path forwards in a variety of areas of your life and career. 

Coaching is not therapy or counselling and it is also not mentoring. If, at any point in the coaching relationship the coach feels that either of those forms of support would be more appropriate for you they will talk to you about the best way forward.

what is the difference between accreditation and certification

What Is Your Role In The Coaching Relationship?

In order to make the most of the coaching it would be good for you to be ready, willing and able to be present in the coaching relationship. 

Being ready means having something that you would like to work on in the coaching sessions; having time to invest in yourself and being able to make and keep appointments. 

Being willing means being prepared to work towards your desired outcome; willing to work on changing any self-limiting behaviours that are holding you back; and being willing to try out new things. 

Being able means that you are well and in the right frame of mind to enter the coaching sessions with a view to achieving the outcomes you wish to see.

If you’re ready, willing, and able to engage with coaching, keep reading to find out more about how we can help you.

3 Free Sessions Available for Medical Professionals With Our Trained Students

We are training a number of doctors, who are studying with us for a Transformational Coaching Diploma qualification, which is accredited by the Association for Coaching.  Once they have completed their training, the coaches are required to gain experience through engaging in coaching conversations with a small number of individuals. 

We recognise that a great many medical professionals would benefit from the support that coaching conversations are able to provide and so we’re offering to match them with doctors on our course to participate in a mutually rewarding coaching programme. 

Each coaching client will receive 3 one-hour coaching sessions. where they will have the opportunity to discuss, in a safe and confidential space, their present situation and their desired futures. Each  session will be delivered by a doctor who has completed our Transformational Coaching Diploma.

3 free coaching sessions of one hour each over the course of six to eight weeks.

Gain some clarity and focus on your future.

In order to be matched up with one of our coaches, please complete the following form and we will arrange for a coach to contact you to arrange a chemistry session. This will allow you and the coach to discuss the proposed coaching sessions and to decide whether you wish to work together.

To access your 3 free coaching hours, complete the form below

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